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Laura McGlinchey
Laura McGlinchey
28th May 2021 - 1st August 2021
Laura McGlinchey’s PAPER CAVE opened to the public on the 28th of May at midday.
Visitors were encouraged to go into DOUGH art space on 22 Sandgate, Ayr, to become a part of the installation and view the intricate work that has gone into the building of the Paper Cave.
Skinny magazines shredded from cancelled gigs and events, weaved together with simply flour and water as the glue.

Using every day recycled materials Laura built PAPER CAVE in 2021, weaving a structure with cardboard and strips of paper from printed material, and putting them together with only water and flour. As the space takes a life of its own, the cavernous structure was then painted with thick paint. The work comes together as a sculptural painting with an element of performance art.
The glass frontage of DOUGH was key to facilitating the involvement of the audience as well as engaging with the community on an on-going basis. The public is encouraged to see the process unfold, and therefore to feel connected to the piece in a way they otherwise might not in a traditional white cube setting. The installation took around 4 weeks to complete, McGlinchey has covered the walls and ceiling of the space, transforming it into a densely worked, cave-like environment.
Combining natural ingredients like flour and water alongside everyday household materials like shaving foam, washing up liquid, PVA glue and leftover emulsion paints Laura explores chemical reactions to create colour, texture and pattern in her work. Using a a unique process of using paper loops when building up the surface of her cave, McGlinchey builds each section inch by inch. She later covers the surfaces with lashings of paint, encouraging gravity to take a part in the formation of the colourful landscapes that compose the installation; “Gravity is one of the main materials that I work with; it hugely contributes to the transformative nature of the work and increases the element of chance that already comes with painting.”

Laura McGlinchey

Laura McGlinchey

Laura McGlinchey

Laura McGlinchey
There is a primitiveness of processes inherent to painting. Laura engages with the primitiveness but - with the luxury of modern-day technology, easily accessible knowledge, dry shelter and – perversely - a largely wasteful, consumer- driven society. Harnessing the abundance of free materials and information available for makers, the artist has resourcefully taken influence and adapted processes and materials that are said to have been used in the first known paintings and sculptures. "By ripping apart, sticking together, painting, adding and removing matter," Laura McGlinchey states her artwork, "metaphorically represents common practices of our everyday life."
PAPER CAVE is curated by Saskia Singer.
Photo and video documentation: Lee Boyce.
3D Scans: VR Survey.
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