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An exhibition by Master and Phd graduates celebrating the social importance of the German artist Joseph Beuys.
Beuys' long time friend and partner in crime, Richard Demarco attended the opening with his wife, Terry.
Watch the video to see a small part of his informal talk.
"He [Beuys] never wanted to be part of something called 'the art world'. He didn't belong there. He belonged to this kind of space, where human beings come together as a community and they have to use only one language, which is the language of love. It's not the language of politics, it's not the language of business, it's not the language of the market place. It's not about buying and selling things. It's about the language of Art, okay? And if you get it wrong, if you get the language of art wrong, if you use it for the wrong reasons, you really cause trouble. But I think what I've got here is evidence of [art] being used for the right reasons - for love."
- Richard Demarco, 2018


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